Christmas 2012 was the equivalent of perfection.
There is nothing more precious than time with family and we had three days of just that.
He began clapping for the first time with Pop and hasn't stopped since.
Little Santa baby was the perfect age for opening gifts. He enjoyed the bows and paper but has also just recently become interested in toys. Excitement filled his face with each new fun, noise making, light flashing piece package that was unwrapped.
A little cousin love is always a guaranteed smile on your face.
My beauty of a baby sis and I with our boys. |
Henry had some quality time with his Nanny and Pop.
The Miller tradition stayed alive in 2012 baking and icing cookies till our hearts content.
Christmas Eve at the Miller Family Christmas party couldn't have been better. As usual each year is better than the one before it and the love I have for each and everyone of my family members grows exponentially.
A little time with your Great Grandfather is always a great gift.

Christmas Day was filled with more magic and excitement than we have known since we were kids.
Awakening to the pile of goodies Santa had left for Henry made us dance with delight.
After we peeled ourselves away from our flannels and fleece we headed over to the Cooper's for some hugs and a feast.
This little toothy smile was the gift that kept giving this year. Barry and I looked at eachother in amazement of how wonderful he is. Christmas brings a heightened sense of emotion and thankfully we had tears of joy to meet our cheeks on more than one occasion.
Getting out of routine, traveling, staying up late, nothing seemed to phase this forever cheery child.

We counted our blessings that's for sure. The gift of two sons, not just one. So thankful are we for the birth of Christ, son of man and the ability to now teach our little guy about the amazing story.
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