Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday brunchday.
After our yard was finished we picked up Sarah and headed over to Granny and Pepaws. Pepaw seemed tired but it was so good to see him, hear him laugh, and of course crack a joke or two! We worked raking and then seeding their front yard. We were all three worn out and really don't see how Pepaw had been out there working on it by himself....he apparently thought he was Bruce Willis in Die Hard last week! :) Barry then headed to the UK vs. Florida game, and because I needed to take a shower after yard work, he took Sarah's boyfriend Cody to the game.
Saturday night we were able to catch up with Addie who was in town for a shower being thrown for Alison. We met Alison, John, Addie, and Rob down at the new pizza place on Old Vine for dinner. We had a great visit. Alison is only 6 weeks away from Wood's due date and looking cuter than ever! I'm so happy for them! It was of course fabulous to see Addie and I only wish we lived closer to each other.
Today we woke up and headed back to Broadway Christian church. We really like the new pastor their so far, and have a good feeling about it. We will continue to be thoughtful in prayer and know that God will lead us to making the right decision on a new church home. After church we headed to Alfalfa's for brunch with Sarah and Cody. Our food was delicious of course and Sarah and I made some good giggly fun as usual. We took another look at the beautiful horses on display at the Ann Taylor gallery as well. The rest of our day will be spent running some errands and hopefully watching a movie while it rains outside. :)
Happy Sunday!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Hello Friday!
Came home to begin a two chapter readathon and review for my Methods class. It turned out o he more grueling than expected ( over 3.5 hours ) Wes Cottongim was in town so Barry was able to go hang out with him for a while. They had a nice visit together.
I was able to finish up my work around 9:15 and get a small work out in. Barry came home with flowers, sushi and a bottle of skinny girl ( I was craving )! What a Guy! We are settled down for the evening on our chocolate marshmallow of a couch to watch Secretariat.
I got to speak with Sarah, Katie, and Dad today which was nice. Mom and Dad are on their way to Daytona to set up some things up at their new place.
Both sets of parents in Florida and here we sit getting ready to go cover up rose bushes to protect them from 24 degrees ......something's not right here. ;)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Counting my blessings instead of.....sheep.

The last 24 hours have been spent relying significantly on Godsupport! Last night about 7:00 I recieved a call from Mom informing me that Pepaw had experienced a light heart attack and was in the ER. Words I didn't know how to react to but had to anyway. She proceeded to say that that from bloodwork done so far all things looked better than worse. Barry and I quickly put shoes on and ran out the door heading to Central Baptist ER. I felt better immediately after seeing Granny and Pepaw. We stayed in the room with them until about 10:00 and were able to meet his cardiologist Dr. Skinner who infomed us he would be staying overnight with a scheduled heart cath in the morning. Pepaw continued to have some chest pain throughout the next 12 hours.
It was tought to head to work, praying for peace for us all is what got me through the day. I called Granny at work to check on things and learned that Mamaw's doctors had called in the family because she was not doing well. I cannot imagine the amount of stress and anxiousness that must have filled Granny today. Cindy and Patty headed up to Ironton to be with Mawmaw while Granny, Chris, Dad, and Barry were at Central Baptist for Pepaws cath.
Good News~ Well, Pepaw did have an artery 90% blocked which required a stint and a few others with partial blockage which will hopefully be fixed with the use of medicine and a healthy diet. This was a scary thing for all of us to go through, but I'm sure everyone will sleep a little easier knowing what we do now. I don't ever like to think about life without a loved one, and this type of situation makes you reflect on those thoughts. My Granny and Pepaw have always had a special place in my life. The relationship we have is strong and greatly cherished. Barry feels the same way about them, and this moment will defintely be used as a reminder from God to love, and let that love be known to everyone we hold dear to us. Mawmaw seemed to be doing better today as well. Reports came back good from Jerry and Jim so we just pray for continued healing, comfort, and peace for her. We are blessed!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Crafty crafts.
Tonight I decided to get some crafting on. I've had felt to use forever and wanted to make some flowers. I sewed a couple together to attach to a pin and the other one to a hat I bought. I like the look but might increase the size.
Last Sunday Barry lost his phone at Kroger ......unfortunately it was found by someone who made 48 mins of calls to Honduras ;) So we had to have his phone canceled. Keeping with our latest Apple trend, today he went to get an iPhone. Its really cute and basically just a mini iPad! So here we sit watching Anthony Bourdain eat and drink his way through the Carribean , while I make flowers and Barry downloads apps! :)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Yummy Sunday night!
Barry and I came home tonight after our trip from Ironton and the grocery store to have a great meal. I made up a pasta dish with steamed muscles in a tomato garlic sauce, oh and some cured dandelion buds made by Sarah and given to us in Florence, Italia! It was delicious! We also did a tasting of a wine sent com Sangiovagne Italy ( which we have been to! ) from the wine club Barry got me for Christmas. Its a very nice Merlot Sangiovese with cherry flavors. We got to put the aerator Mom let us have to good use!
Now we have a fire going and a warm little puppy ready to watch a movie. Happy President's Day Eve!
Our weekend thus far.....
Friday night we went downtown for the gallery hop. Sarah had some work in the place next to Natasha's. We met cute lil pregnant Jennifer and Brian and ended up @ two other galleries. The Ann tower gal had all the lil ponies so Barry was able to see the one our kids at Southern had done. We walked around enjoying the nice February weather and ended up at Natasha's for dinner. I had skate fish or sting ray for the first time. It was sooooo delish! Tasted like scallops but more buttery in flavor. Yummo! We also tried lobster corn dogs which were super good.
Yesterday we spent a ton of time working on computers yuck! Can't figure out this apple thing! I had a massage at noon and then stopped to see Pepaw. We had a good visit. Granny and Cindy were in ironton because Mamaw is not doing well. Barry spent the afternoon raking our yard getting the grass ready to seed. We went to the UK S. Carolina game and watched Miller have a killer game! They looked better than they had in a long time. We got home and I spent about 4 hours screaming at computers and doing grad work. Barry made us a cute lil fire outside and we had paella from vday. Good times!
We're now headed to Ironton with Sarah to see Mawmaw as she's in ICU. Hoping she's doing better today.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Engaversary flowers.
What a sweet man! Flowers in the living room from Valentine's day and now beautiful roses in the kitchen! We are going to be grilling Mahi Mahi on this awesome February day! It's 64 and we were able to get outside afterwork in time to get 5 new old cottage style roses in the ground! I'm so excited for all the buds popping out of the ground and the blooms that are just around the corner! It smells like dirt outside! :)
We are loving our life, married loveliness so cheers to us and all that's too come with some Argentina Pinot in hand!
Happy 4 year engagement anniversary
Four years ago tonight Barry and I (and Dustin) were sitting in Commonwealth stadium with a blanket of snow eating Kettle corn and making an amazing memory. He proposed to me that day and we had the best tailgating party of our lives afterwards, and I feel like it's been going on ever since! I am baking him a chocolate glazed cake to enjoy after our dinner tonight! :) We are soooooo blessed!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Momma's Birthday!
Valentines Vlog
The amazing aromas of fresh flowers, sauted onions and saffron were accompanied by the sweet sounds of Count Bassie, Charles Mingus, and other great jazz artists.
I had never used saffron before and it really did give the dish it's flavor. The scallops were huge and super fresh!
Working in the kitchen together was a pleasure and something we realized we should do more often. Barry deveined and peeled the shrimp while I blackened the peppers and then pealed the skins. We really had a great time prepping the food together and eating it!
What could be a better way to end a fabulous Valentine's meal but with chocolate covered grapes from Old Kentucky Chocolates! They are my absolute favorite. Maybe next year we will be amitious enough to make them ourselves.....although I can completely see that turning into an episode of I Love Lucy! We washed it all down with a great wine from Italy that was shipped to us from our club.
The best part of our meal was definetely the conversation. Slowed down time with Barry is the best. Somehow through a busy week it's hard to take that time to really talk about important things. Our conversations amaze me sometimes, he makes me feel challenged and supported no matter where the topic travels. This is love is a blessing beyond anything else I know. God is more than good.
Oh if only it hadn't fell on a school night! :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
So we both had laptops that were falling apart and decided to make the plunge into Mac world. The learning curve is large for us (I couldn't even figure out how to put a disc in the drive ) but I think we will love them just like everyone else does. Barry thought I needed an ipad too....and really how can I argue? We got the fivespot from Verizon which is our 3G internet anywhere we go now. Wish us luck! We're gonna need it has I try to transfer all our files from PC to Mac!
Last night we had Justin, Jessica and Ava over to make homemade pizza and hang out. It was great to see them and spend time with Ava too. She's such a sweetie pie and certainly kept us entertained. They are such wonderful people, Barry and I really enjoy their company!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Sick day
Last nigh I met up with Paige, Laura, Lauren, and Sarah for dinner @ Drakes. Today I woke up with a awful tummy ache which I believe had nothing to do with the wine....honestly! So after getting dressed and ready to go to work I decided my stomach felt too much like a volcano to go. So I called in and so glad I did. Felt awful most of the day and slept for several hours. I did get some grad work done but spent most the day cuddling with Keightley, watched Bridget Jones and rhbh. I also started in on organizing all ky magazine clippings and filing them.
Barry came home with groceries and a recipe for C
hinese sweet sour soup. He made it for me and oh how delicious it was! What a Guy!
Oh and notice the single rose he brought home too!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Keightley's 3rd Birthday
Keightley turned 3 today and this is the "birthday cake" Elizabeth picked up for him today at The Barkery. He's a wonderful dog, and we love him a whole lot. It's hard to imagine he's been with us this long.