Kman says change your plans people! I'm coming to Indianapolis for New Years too!!!!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Fwd: Elizabeth's stocking stuffers
From left to right, Elizabeth got a wine journal, a wine label remover for the wine journal, a small wine notebook to take with her to record quickly her thoughts at a vineyard or while we're at Napa Valley, and in her mouth is a 6 month membership to a wine club that will deliver 2 bottles a month beginning in the last week of January.
Do we sense a theme here?
The wine journal has COOPER monogrammed on the cover, and we'll be able to keep a record of all our special wines....a scrapbook of sorts. Like the bottle from Jean Farris we purchased on our anniversary, or the bottles we shipped from Tuscany at the vineyard we visited.
Just wanted to share!
I received some wonderfully comfortable fleece pants, house shoes , a good heavy hammer, a Charlie Brown mug (now my most favorite mug), and a set of C clamps to use with my new saw horses I received from Tom and Terry yesterday.
All in front if our gift from Santa keeping us warm on a white Christmas!!!!
Merry Christmas!!
Elizabeth Ann Cooper
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Presents Under the Tree
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Still decorating.
Barry hung two white shelves I had ordered last week today I decided to make them look festive. Its never to late to decorate right? !
Monday, December 13, 2010
Re: Shop
Forgot the pics! :)
> We came to Victorian Square to Christmas shop. Fun times! I love that I
> have a 2 hr delay!
Snow day
The first snow day of the year. Barry decided to stay home too and we made velvety pumpkin soup and truffle oil bread for lunch. Yummy fun. NOW if only the sun would go away and the snow would stay.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My boys
They were cuddling on the floor tonight :) I made Barry's birthday cake tonight and we watched Rudolph. Lets hope its tasty!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December 1st and we have new logs upstairs and downstairs! Yay! They're so nice and cozy I may have to sleep here tonight! Merry Christmas to us!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
MEXICAN tomatoes
A student of mine name Hayride has been talking about his huge tomato and jalepeno garden. I had told him how much I love tomatoes and he brought me a bag this morning. :) So sweet!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
How to make your Cricut Mats Sticky & Reusable Again!!
Good tip to remember instead of buying a new mat each time!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
lake night with the girls
Mom and Dad gave me my bday gift early.....a sewing machine! It's really nice and Mom taught me a few things on Sunday morning. Barry surprised us and decided to come to the boat from State Dock after the bachelor party ended. It was a great day and we got a small visit with Elise at the end as well. The weather was perfect and hot! Loved it!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Pure Summer
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
blonde in traffic
bright light ;)
After being a brunette for a while I decided to go back blonde. Wow it feels sooooo weird and it looks like a light on top of my head. However I know this is the color that makes me feel, well ME!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
this is what my garden looks like thanks to working and gradschool. some icky green worm is eating wholes in my cabbage too! lots of work to be done and so little time to do it in.
Friday, June 4, 2010
our day at the pool
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Cherry Pickin Good

Pepaw said that when he would come back home to the states he would immediately change out of his sailor uniform into civilian clothing. He said that things were similar to the way they were with the soldiers in Vietnam. Coming into port in San Diego families would line the docks to greet the sailors, but nobody was ever there for him. "I was just a poor boy from little Ironton, Ohio." When he got off the train in Ironton after being gone for 9-10 months at at time, nobody was ever there to greet him, and at times he would get home to his own home 1:00 in the morning or not, and all the family would be asleep, nobody greeting him. He had told me before and it saddened me just as much to hear it today. I'm not sure why Granny wasn't there to greet him, I know that there was a time when they had split up while he was away in the war. I know I wish I could change that for him, but he said times were just different back then. With one car in the family if his Dad was working there was no way for his family to get anywhere either.
From: Tom and Pat Miller <>
Date: Mon, May 31, 2010 at 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: At Maw-Maw's
To: Elizabeth Cooper <>, sarah marie miller
Elizabeth Ann Cooper
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
company while I work
As I plug away on this research paper my little pup stays loyal and true. :) Dogs are great and so are husbands who water all the plants. ......again.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
eos products - shave cream, lip balm and natural body lotion
My new lotion purchase today. I like the fresh scent, smooth finish and light quality all while really feeling moisturized. Must be all those chemicals left out right? :)
The Clean 15: Foods You Don't Have to Buy Organic
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The New Dirty Dozen: 12 Foods to Eat Organic
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The 9 Best Natural Deodorants
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what a job!
Can you think of any other profession where some little cute thing like my Yadrianna will look at you and say "Your my favorite Mrs. Cooper, I love you win all my heart!" ? What a great job I have been blessed with. I'm going to truly miss all my kids and their families this summer.
Monday, May 24, 2010
spring and happy
Toni flies home tonight from Colorado. I cannot imagine the pain she must be in, only a week after complicated open heart surgery. She's a tough person, but I hope she will realize this is the time to let us all love her and help her.
On a I'm a wuss note, my shoulder has been hurting for a couple days now and this headache on the right side of my head will not go away. Hope I can find a comfy position to sleep in. Zzzzzz
Sunday, May 23, 2010
This morning we woke up around 8:00 and decided against going to Katherine Sandefer's graduation after confusion about tickets etc. So we stayed in bed hung out in a cave of sheets and got up around 9:40. Smelling coffee and bacon while watching CBS's Sunday Morning was a nice way to start the day. I then got ready for the HOT 87degree day and read articles outside with the pup. We went to Barry's parents around 1:00 for lunch and had a great visit with them. We left Kman there and went to Laura's pool for about 2hours I got a lot of reading done for my research, got a bit of a tan, and was able to hang out with my handsome husband. Karen sent us home with a truck load of daylilies, mint, purple salvia and a large bush with pink flowers. I have lots of digging to do this week in my spare time.....which I have none, but it's always a nice break from studying! I've been trying to find a groove in researching this evening and have had little luck, which means more work for the rest of the week. So off to bed I go with hopes of being well rested and ready to tackle this week. I am so thankful for a great weekend with a loving husband, a cozy home, great family and many wonderful things on the horizon! :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mama's 93rd!
Today Mamaw Scherer is 93 years wonderful! Granny, Pepaw, and Dad went to visit her. I stopped by Granny and Pepaw's yesterday to drop off flowers and a card from us. They took her to Cheddar's for lunch where she got a chocolate sundae which she loved. I sure wish we got up there more to visit her. I hate knowing she's lonely and on her own. Hopefully I can make ambetter effort with the time I'm blessed left with her.
On other news Freida announced she's retiring today! Many changes ahead for our school. It was beyond time for a change I'm just hoping they give us someone who can handle the job.
I'm off Bo dream land for a few hours and am blessed to do so win my baby's arm around me and a fuzzy dog next to me. :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tonight I read and post .............for the 4th hour in a row. So sick of looking at words, but it must be done. Sooooo off I go, enough stalling for the evening. :)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
A brief run down for me to remember. Grad classes are in full force and between that work and a social scene I'm 100% exhausted.
This has been a very long week and a sad one too. Jodi and Lindsay gave birth to their little boy Tuesday morning at 23 weeks old. He survived four hours in this world before quickly going to heaven. So heartbreaking. They have been on our thoughts and prayers each day. Tonight we went to Louisville with a gift basket and dinner. Hearing Lindsay break down about it made me want to curl up on the couch and cry with her. I can not imagine what she is going through or how hard the road ahead might be. 30 years old, picking out a grave, to bury your first son. :( I love you Lord but this is so very hard to understand. They are definetely my favorites out of all of Barry's Louisville friends. I hope that we can be there for them through this time. Lord lift them up, give them rest, and give her peace.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I had a wonderful weekend of wine, female friends and family. Jennifer's bachelrette was a blast and I spent time white them as I found out the news that Katie is engaged through Facebook. but that's a story for another time; )
Today we spent a lazy morning looking at hotels in Rome and then went to Granny and Pepaws for lunch where Mom, Dad. and Elise joined for a great day! So blessed and thankful.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
We went to see Phoenix tonight at the Palace in Louisville. It was a super entertaining show and special to share no constellation prizes with my Baby! We had a good time too knowing that Cal just signed Marcus Teague making Pitino want to crawl in a sewer!........ Barry also booked our flights for ITALIA!!!!! JUNE 15 - 26 So excited I can't begin to imagine what memories we will make on that trip! So thankfully blessed.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Last suppe
We just finished a wonderful seafood dinner at Islamorada Fish Company. Our last meal on a great trip......always sad. I AM SO BLESSED to have such a wonderful family and then to marry into this fabulous set of people........well it's just amazing. I love my life, I love the sun, I love the sand, I love my husband, I love my family!
Barry and I both look like candystripers, as the sun zapped us streaky in unwanted ways! LOL I hope we sleep well tonight we will rise early for the flight back to the Bluegrass.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
My sunny day!
74 is the high today so we decided to stay pool side and relax where the drinks are at our reach. We went to eat last night at Pawnbroker win Don and Karen and then rented paranormal activity,compliments of Ppat! LOL. Good days!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Home in the south
Our visit with Mom and Dad was much needed and perfect timing. We were able to spend the weekend watching the first round of the NCAA and enjoyed some Cat stompings! We saw Katie and Elise Saturday and boy did Elise look cute. She is trying to walk and seemed like a happy girl. She loves playing with Keightley and he likes to lick her. Katie left with Elise before the game started to go to Lucas's. She had a Duffel bag with her and I asked if she was moving out jokingly, she replied yep. Little did I know it was true. After the game mom and Dad told us she moved in win Lucas that night. They are tired,underappreciated and worried. I hate it for them and Elise, but I pray God's takes care of her and that this situation will cause her to grow up, and begin to appreciate all mom and dad do for her. I'm glad Barry and I were there to let Mom and Dad know how much we love them and to assure to them that they are wonderful parents they are.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Demarcus cousins is ready! And so am I.
We play wake forest today in the second round game of the NCAA tournament. Its not going to be an easy game and they're very similar to us in size and play. We are heading down to Somerset this morning to spend the night and ill be happy to see he Family!
I was able to finish my Linguistics and PHP papers yesterday and turned it in, this after working non stop to finish and not being able to go to Bobby's bday in Louisville. Laura and I went out to celebrate with sushi,raspberry cold semi, and Louisville losing to Cal ! Great night!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
not all fun and games this march
Elizabeth Cooper
Houseboats Buy Terry Broker
Herrington Lake
1137 Meridian Dr.
Lexington, KY 40504