Christmas flew by as it usually does and the big events that make it so fun kept us running around. There was more to the season than the big Christmas parties there were the sweet moments in between. Wrapping presents, baking cookies, warming our backs by the fire, eating marshmallows just because, visits with Santa and family were just a few highlights of our December. 
Mallie Lynn was less than impressed by Santa once again this year. Her disdain for him was so strong that she kept one eye on him the rest of the night even as she ate her candy cane from across the room. A few times she loudly proclaimed that she wanted "Daniel Tiger" for Christmas while looking in his direction. (insert cackling mom laugh)
This boy was not a bit shy about visiting the jolly old elf this year!!! He quickly let him know he wanted a ninja turtle dress up and a castle. We aren't quite sure how he even knew about ninja turtles but that was the first thing he asked about. The idea of wanting a castle came from a visit we made to The Magical Toy Shoppe downtown where he fell in love with their wooden castle and knight set.

We enjoyed checking through the list of Christmas movies on our list, lighting a fire and having hot cocoa on more than one occasion.
The kids got the biggest kick out of their elf Jelly Jack and all his shenanigans.
We had slow mornings once school let out and enjoyed them to pieces!!!
B and I hosted our 2nd annual Friendsmas party with our favorite gang. It is always such a blessing to spend time with the people we love so dearly and actually have real conversations. Amazing all the things you can talk about when the littles aren't around.

We made 3.5 dozen cookies for the Martin Christmas Cookie Party. I wasn't the biggest fan of my recipe this year but the company making them and the memories made at the party were a wonderful holiday blessing!
We had the sweetest time at Henry's preschool Christmas program. He recited his bible verse for a month walking around the house and singing his songs as well. We feel super blessed for him to be in a learning environment that fits him so perfectly and surrounds him with biblical truths.
Little man how are you soooooo darn handsome!?!?
Little sis was so proud and excited to see her brother. She began yelling "Where Henry?" upon taking our seats. "HENNNRY" as soon as she saw him walk on stage and continued to do so with a big grin and a wave throughout the program.
Cookies and milk could be found on most nights in our house.Not a drop of snow could be found at our house other than the adorable play dough gift his teachers made for him.
My buddy and I spent an afternoon playing Santa. We chose this year to give to the toy drive at the fire department. It's hard to explain that you're picking out toys to buy for other people but he got the hang of it and chose one toy from our cart that he wanted to buy with his own money to give away.
It was a fun afternoon with my boy, and anytime we can have one on one time is always a blessing.
Barry's office party was a super fun time this year and I'm proud of the boys at Meridian for putting on such a fun bash.
I had fun playing with Christmas breakfasts for the kiddos on a couple slow mornings.
Henry got to attend the Nutcracker for the second time. We took Granny along too because it wouldn't be the same without her; upholding the tradition she began when I was three is always a highlight of my Christmas season.
We had a bit of fancy fun at Chris and Danielle's Christmas party. These brothers are kinda the best!
We had lots of fun building and hiding in all the boxes that arrived on our doorstep.
My little bakers helped make dough, roll out and cut sugar cookies and decorate. I had big visions of us decorating a plate full of cookies but it turned out these two had the same plan; pile on the icing and sprinkles take a bite, repeat. It brought back memories of my many years of baking with mom and I'm so thankful that I'm in a stage of life where I can enjoy it with my children and yet still go back home and do the same with the women who taught me.