The magic of our vacation can be seen in adorable children who happened to put on matching swimsuits, standing in front of sea glass colored water on a pristine beach.
Or a handsome daddy holding his baby girl in tutu swimwear and a bonnet.
A stroll down the beach to Crabby Steve's.

Mr. Henry took his first iPhone pic and did a mighty fine job.
Beaching it with best buds.
Burying your babysitter in sand with your buddy is always good entertainment.
It was defintely a magical moment when we discovered our little mermaids favorite spot was in the ocean.
This became her call to happiness for the remainder of the week as any amount of sand on her body was deemed a "mess" as she would prophetically exclaim with all the energy her lungs could muster. Her demand could be heard as she yelled "toes!" and pleaded with us to take her to the water and dip her in. :)
But there was a distracted moment or two where the magic of the beach called to her creative side and for a brief moment she forgot about the "mess".
Magical popsicle fairies dispersing cold goodness to little boys and girls each day kept the post beach whine's at bay.
More magical moments could be found when adults, exhausted from the days shananigans were able to step out for dinners alone. We had conversations, we ate slowly, and nobody wiped ice cream on our dresses. There is something so charming and special about this sleepy yet perfect beach town at night.
What isn't magical about a beachside block party for kiddos? Complete with stilts, a flea circus, hula hoop contests, bounce houses, carnival games and face painting?
Hula play while little sister gets down to the DJ's jams.
and there is everything magical about beach chair cheesing with your favorite brother or sister.
You can definitely find magic on a trip to the hidden park. No matter how many times we go it's always a treasure hunt trying to find it; anda delight to spot that playground enveloped by shady trees.

I'm not sure of too many things cuter than sitting in the town square to watch a children's play.
This spot has my heart. I long to go back the moment we pack the car to go home. It is such a surreal feeling to know that we are now the parents making memories of family vacations with our kids. I look forward to having a place familiar to us all and watching the kids grow older here. Some day we won't have littles who let mama match their clothes. Little feet and bottoms that we spend our time wiping sand off of will someday sit and pedal bikes up and down the street beside us. These moments are precious, priceless, and at the same time exhausting. I am so thankful for it all. What a blessing our family and friends are; completely priceless.
The magic of our trip can probably be best summed up by a sibling hand held stroll to the wishing well. 

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