Friday night we headed to Midway to meet up with the Zeller's from Lousiville. They are such a sweet family! It was great to spend time with them and little Callan. He has to be one of the most chilled out babies I've ever met! I told him he would have to give good instructions on behavior to Lil' H once he's here. He politely agreed to do his best. :) Thank God for wonderful friends. :)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Hello 3rd Trimester!
What? We can't possibly be 28 weeks! I can't be into the third trimester!!!!? Can I? This pregnancy is precious and is flying by quickly. We are still enjoying watching him move like a mad man. I'm feeling pressure to get this room in order, read my birthing books, and practice our exercises for the big day. It will all be here before we know it I'm sure. The 3rd trimester has already brought back some nausea...which I'm hoping decides not to stick around too long. We have lots to do around here!
I'm currently working on mapping out the X's and O's with Henry on how he is going to enter this world. I think he's on board but we keep talking just to make sure we want it all to happen quickly. Hopefully he's a team player. :)
I thought Dad needed his pic taken too. :) He's too handsome not to!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Pregalicious Pics
So I just realized that it had been a long time since I had made a Pregalicious post!
So here is a run down of how this baby boy is growing! :)
Here we are at 20 weeks....half way through this pregnancy. Wow it's flying by!
Here we are at 21 weeks. This is when he hit a growth spurt like no other! I had have a hunger for food 24/7 and if it wasn't isn't met in time the result = stomach twisting terrible pain. So....what's a little momma to do but eat? Therefore, I've learned that meal time doesn't really have a starting stopping point, and that I ALWAYS need to keep healthy and satisfying protein around!
This is us at week 24. Baby boy is growing and doing serious flips in my belly!
Week 26 I started feeling the load a little more and found myself tired again. But no complaints! We are feeling great! :) Daddy has started reading books to you, and boy do you love it! :)
27 weeks and feeling awesome! I have begun the project of sewing on little man's room and will be excited to get it completed so I can sit and read books to him.
We are belly rockin here with some of your future friends little man. One little girl you will half to protect, and another little guy for you to get dirty skinned up knees with.
You are sooooo loved Baby Henry. Words can not express how excited I am to be caring you inside of me, watching you grow, and anticipating the moment your dad and I get to meet you. Muah!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Celerbating Friends
Last weekend we had a busy but fun time celebrating our friends. Friday night we headed out to Sals to meet up with everyone to celebrate Elizabeth Edwards and Justin Fryes Birthdays. We had a great time catching up with people we hadn't seen in a while. I had fun chatting about babies with Elizabeth, and pregnant with her 2nd Meredith.
After dinner we headed to Drakes for a minute to people watch....boy that place can be entertaining. Elizabeth and I sucked down our waters and ended being the last two couples from our party there. :) Lol
Saturday I woke up and taught a packed out BarreAmped class and then headed home to watch the CATS play. Later that night I met up with the girls at Mad Potter to celebrate Laura's big birthday. We had a blast painting our pieces and chatting. L made us all princess party hats, since the theme was 31 going on 13. :) That's my kinda party!
What a fun time with these amazing friends we have been so blessed with!
Barry and I headed to buybuybaby on Sunday to wrap up a little more registering. That is a never ending job my friends! :)
After dinner we headed to Drakes for a minute to people watch....boy that place can be entertaining. Elizabeth and I sucked down our waters and ended being the last two couples from our party there. :) Lol
Saturday I woke up and taught a packed out BarreAmped class and then headed home to watch the CATS play. Later that night I met up with the girls at Mad Potter to celebrate Laura's big birthday. We had a blast painting our pieces and chatting. L made us all princess party hats, since the theme was 31 going on 13. :) That's my kinda party!
Party Princess Time |
Henry's baby mug I painted him. |
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The Birthday Princess |
What a fun time with these amazing friends we have been so blessed with!
Barry and I headed to buybuybaby on Sunday to wrap up a little more registering. That is a never ending job my friends! :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
What Not To Wear
We had another appointment yesterday for our little guy. It was a long wait at the doctor's office but our midwife was delivering a baby, so I guess that's a good enough excuse. ;) We got to hear little man's heartbeat, answer some questions that we had. Unfortunately one of those answers was No, we will not be getting another ultrasound unless something is of concern. :( Drats! I wanted to see his little cheeks that I know are getting puggy by now.
Tonight we had our first ever birthing class. We are attending natural birthing at BabyMoon. Turns out that our hospital doesn't provide any sort of natural birthing class at all. Only Lamaze type classes mixed in with information about different drug options and C-section info. Kind of odd that hospitals don't even want to give you the proper tools to birth naturally, I think it shows what they prefer you to do....
Anywho......So our birthing class went really well. There were five other couples there set in a very relaxing environment. I think it will be a great way for us to learn about all the stages of labor and what to expect from my body as well as letting Barry learn how to be the great supporter I know he will be. Since it was our first class I didn't know what to expect. But let me just tell you for all you other newbies out there. A tight sweater dress and knee high riding boots are not appropriate attire for a birthing class. Who knew we would be asked to do a sumo squat or lay on the floor, or get on all fours? Um next time I'm sportin' some spandex!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
So luxurious
Today I put on my first actual long sleeved maternity shirt and was reminded of this episode of Seinfeld because it was sooooooo luxurious and roomy! :) I believe I will be ordering some more of these guys, as it has been nice not to feel like a stuffed sardine in my clothes.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
All too quickly
I'm enjoying every moment of this little journey called pregnancy. :) |
The last few weeks of pregnancy have brought more enjoyment than I ever thought possible. This little boy is growing and his movements are becoming more forceful, making his presence known in this world. It can brighten any moment of my day, that sweet surprise of him reminding me that he's inside and doing well. I have found myself just simply wanting to stare at my stomach throughout the day. I want to rub it, hold it, and get as close to him as possible.
Barry and I have fallen asleep at night feeling the sweet movement of our little guy and smiling ourselves into dream land.
The problem is it's all going by to quickly. In the beginning of our pregnancy I looked forward to each new week. I couldn't wait to see what was happening inside me as I would read about his brain development, or how he was growing fingernails. Each week made me feel better too, more comfortable in the fact that he would be healthy and safe.
Now though, each new week means another week closer to not being pregnant. However silly that sounds, I know the outcome at the end of pregnancy is far greater than this. In this moment it's hard to imagine, how I could possibly be any happier. What a special gift from God, that I will forever be grateful for experiencing.
I want this train to slow down. I want to enjoy every last kick, touch and thought. The wonderment of it all is quite a ride.
Though there are a million things to be done between now and when he comes, I vow to slow down. I have to soak every bit of this in now while I can, because I'm pretty sure preparing my mind for this baby is just as important as preparing a house.
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