The babies toes are a little bit more sun kissed, their hair a little blonder, and my heart a little fuller after a visit to the sea. Our little taste of heaven on earth is definitely found on 30A. We made our 4th trip down to Seacrest Beach, our 3rd with the Edwards and it may have been my favorite to date. The weather was perfection, the ocean was calm, and Rosemary Beach had all the summer festivities cranked up for a week full of fun. (oh and we brought a babysitter)
Pajama tickles and balloon fights against gnarly living room pirates, popsicle licking, and big sand digging; this is what vacation looks like to a child. Of course we had lessons in sharing ;) and over exhausted melt downs but they were quickly followed up with another fun event. My favorite house memory will forever be listening to the boys wake up together one morning and not come out of their rooms; instead they played in their bunk beds, sang, and looked at books together. Pure sweetness.

Oh how I wish we never had to leave this place. When can we go back!!!!???
Henry has never been so comfortable with the beach and water as he was this trip. He jumped in from the first day and never looked back, other than to occasionally dig a hole or bury someone in sand. We were so glad to see him having a blast in the ocean after a not so awesome car trip down the day before. He had a serious wrestling match with car sickness that had us changing clothes, and sucking down lots of mints. He was a trooper through it all and boy were we glad to see him laughing and playing.

The kiddos playtime together was so cute to watch. Whether at the beach or out to dinner the dynamics between them is adorable.....most of the time. ;) Big brothers being very protective over their sisters had a conversation or two about not touching the others sibling. Let's hope this lasta for the next fourteen - twenty years.
One of her moments where she wasn't completely upset by the "meessss" the sand caused on her feet and hands.