Over the past week we have watched Mallie Lynn progress into a walking baby girl. Moving past the stage of squats and standing on her own, she decided to start experimenting with moving her sweet legs. First one step, then another, and another; each day gaining a little more strength, balance and a few more steps.
It's funny, we don't become walkers over night. It is a progression of skills all placed together, practiced, and perfected until one foot in front of the other becomes natural. Watching her figure it all out has been so sweet and another blessed moment to experience as a parent.
September 14th one step, two step
September 15th three step, four, five step, six step, fall to the floor.
September 16th Walking!
For a few days I watched every time she took a step, anticipating the moment when it would all melt together. Her first full walk across a room made both of us so proud I thought our smiles would be permanently glued to our faces.
So that's it, on the peak of an already emotional week she decides it is no longer acceptable to just crawl around this world; walking will be her new means of conveyance. Crawling is still visited when we want to get somewhere at thoroughbred speed, though she is already experimenting with pushing that belly out and letting momentum quicken her pace.
Having a walker is exciting, blissful, and scary all at the same time. I'm so happy for her to experience the world in a new way, yet it brings a bit of sadness in this dramatic mama's mind knowing it's her first push towards an independent self. She has already proven she will go at life full force, with only a few days into walking and already sporting a scabbed up nose and mouth from a fight with the concrete. Love my rough and tumbly girl. 

The emotions surrounding her birthday and all that this year has encapsulated are running high. From her first days of life, I felt that I knew her, more than the "I carried you 9 months know you", No, I could tell from the beginning, this girl has the fire of a volcano, yet the calm of a December sea. She is happy entertaining herself or being the life of the party. She is sensitive and empathetic, yet tough and strong willed. Baby girl, you will captivate this world like no other.

This week, with the realization of O N E quickly approaching you have let me know that you understand me too. In all the exploration and independence of becoming a walker I expected you would crawl out of my lap quicker than usual. Instead you have felt my needs, and filled them. You've given more hugs, cuddles, lean ins, and arm held snoozes than the norm, and I am forever grateful.
Right now in this moment of our life I will cherish every moment you excepts the idea of holding my hand to get somewhere a little quicker, and a little more steady. This hand will always be here for you darling girl, all you have to do is reach up and grab it.
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