Another month older wahhhoooo andI'm that much closer to driving!!!!!!
OHHHHHh I mean crawling.... but still, I'm so close to freedom I can taste it!
WHOOaH What do you mean I can't crawl to the pool? We'll see about that guys, I'm ready for some new found freedom and my own means of conveyance.
Not that I don't appreciate everything you guys have done for me; I mean I understand how hard it must be to cook dinner, blow dry your hair, and go to the bathroom holding a baby for 10 months. I see what you're doing and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
Ten whole months, how can it be!!? We have enjoyed you more with each passing day and are grasping onto your days as tightly as we can. Your continued calm demeanor and joyful personality have put a smile on our faces more times than we could count. A lot more laughs, smiles, cuddles, and waves were seen from our sweet baby boy. He has always been entertained by Mallie Lynn and Henry and they are forever eager to give him an abundance of attention. We have been given glimpses of the three of them playing together lately as Ford really started to take notice of their every move. Henry throwing a ball for him or Mallie Lynn dancing can cause him to erupt into clapping and squealing. On the brink of mobility, he's about to turn his siblings worlds upside down. There have already been towers knocked over, cars chewed on, and tears because our little man has had his eyes on them. (more where that came from)
Loves: playing ball and especially dunking on his little basketball goal, rolling cars and trucks on the floor, knocking over blocks. DADDY makes him soon excited and as soon as he hears his voice or sees his face he can't contain himself, arms and legs start moving and don't stop until he picks him up.
Eat: Still nursing every 3 hours as a general rule but sometimes it's two and every once in a while we can stretch it to 4.
Sleep: same story different month. Every three hours we nurse, and throw the itchiness of ezcema into the mix and we have the sleep patterns of a newborn.
Milestones: Grabbing a ball and dunking it! (In a baby goal) It's his new favorite game and he's quite good at it. He started picking up small pieces of food and putting them in his mouth on his own though he still won't have more than one or two bites. He is starting to reach and rock forward into the crawling position but gets pretty content laying on his belly afterwards. He has found a new game in laying his head down and popping it up to surprise us. He also loves to read books now more than ever and likes to "read along".
My heart can hardly take how close we are to loving you an entire year but your the baby of the family, and forever a baby in my heart. We love you so much sweet Rutherford. Ford, you are adored.
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