First grade, that time in grade school where you really start to establish memories and friendships, blossom as a reader, and make your mommy gulp at the realization you're growing into a big wonderful boy.
I held onto him as long and hard as I could. For six wonderful years this boys has been mainly under the care of our home. We chose the path of two day a week preschool and half day kindergarten, both of which were the perfect fit for our homebody Henry. I'm so thankful for every ounce of time I have been able to eek out with him, but now there's no turning back. It's been a bit hard to swallow him being away from me more than he's with me in a day, but if he has to go I'm thankful it's at a school where I feel so comfortable with. Trinity has been such a blessing to our family so far and I am excited for him to begin this new chapter. He has already felt like such a big boy, eating lunch at school, going to chapel with the older kids, and seeing all of his friends in other classes on the playground too.
Just as we suspected, ML missed him something fierce but honestly she did better than expected. Other than wanting me to pack her lunch just like his, asking me if he was eating lunch at the same time she was and not wanting to have a treat if he wasn't having one too her days have been pretty normal.
For the most part, we met that first day with a smile and anticipation of all the fun in store for him this year. Two nights before, after I had tucked him into bed he came down the stairs and grabbed me for a hug with tears in his eyes and blanky in his hand.
"I'm nervous about the first day"
"But I'm not going to be with you ALL day mommy!"
"I'll miss you."
Just place my heart in a puddle why don't ya? I assured him it would be fun, full of new exciting things, and that I would be thinking about him and praying for him all day long.
"You will?" he asked.
I will.....and I did.
and ya know what? we both survived with flying colors.
Though our days are flying by and my first born is getting, well....big; I can still see a baby boy peek out and wink at me if I look hard enough. Oh and apparently this is an instinctual first day of school dance ingrained deep into his DNA.
Sweet Henry my love I could truly eat you up, I love you so.
The morning went smooth as his excitement built, and then came goodbye. A hug from me, and one from his dad and I saw those big brown eyes begin to blink at a rapid pace. Teary eyed but smiling big we grinned at each other and I told him it would all be great. I had it all together the rest of the day....unless I thought about that moment.
We passed the time on that first day by making some homemade chocolate chip cookies to have warm and waiting for our big school boy. It's a tradition my mom started when I was a kindergartner, and she carried it through all the way to college. Finding little ways to celebrate that first day makes it sting a little less. It also helped this loving little sister to feel like she was doing something her Henry would love. 
So we heard all about his first day goodness over cookies and I may have hugged and kissed him a few dozen times. "Oh you just don't know how much we missed you!" I said.
"Like so much you had tears in your throat?"
"Yes, there were tears."
"Really??! I had tears too when you said goodbye today but I made myself get them to go away."
On Friday he shared with me that his belly hurt him at school. I asked him if it was before lunch or after and he replied, "No, it's every time I think about you my belly goes gggrgggerrggggg, but if I stop thinking about you it goes away."
Melt my heart on the floor!
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, the smiles brighter, and the freckles more unique. You are a treasure to be held my sweet Henry and I'm thankful for every moment I get to watch you grow this year.
Melt my heart on the floor!
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, the smiles brighter, and the freckles more unique. You are a treasure to be held my sweet Henry and I'm thankful for every moment I get to watch you grow this year.