Well this milestone makes me swallow a little harder, squeeze you a little tighter, and stare at you a tad bit longer than usual. Half a year has passed since you made our world a better place and I just can't believe what the calendar is saying. I've soaked up every second of you I possibly could, cuddled instead of cleaned, fed and rocked you instead of letting you scream, and enjoyed the slowness of a morning with you and your siblings instead of rushing to get the checklist done. I have no regrets over this time with you that has been so well spent and I'm thankful for every moment we've been given to love you.
You are happy down to the deepest depths of your soul. It shows in your smile that so easily spreads across your sweet face, the authentic giggles you generate, and your ability to be pleased as punch even when you're dog tired.
Loves: Chewing on fingers, swaddle, Sophie the Giraffe, wooden KY, exersaucer, jumper, standing and prefers that over any position, car seat naps, ergo carrier, bath time, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, (big sister started it and now it's your calm song).
Dislikes: night time diaper changes, sleeping, dry skin rashes :(
Eating: Boy do you ever! STILL wanting to eat every 3hrs and honestly sometimes it's 2.5 though I have managed a few 4hr stretches from you lately. We started introducing solids this week with avocado, and though you are still figuring it all out you are pleased enough with it that you keep opening your mouth for more. :) Nursing habits lately include holding my hand tightly and squeezing off and on while you eat, eating quickly.
Size: 6mo - 6-9mo clothing depending on the brand, size 2 diapers,
Sleep: You are another energizer baby that just won't stop and require little sleep. Your cat naps persist and yet you still wake every 2-4 hrs depending on the night. I've wondered if you were getting a tooth but then again I've blamed little sleep and slobber on that for two months. :)
Milestones: Lots of sounds and jabbering have escaped your lips lately, especially "BBBBbbb". You love to exercise your voice loudly and enjoy having your sounds mimicked as if we are holding conversation in a foreign language, starting solids with avocado as food #1. You aren't quite sure what to think about the process and sometimes spit out more than you swallow but it's all just fun and games at this point anyway. Grabbing and holding toys on your own is a fun new way for your to play. Those little grabby hands make it difficult for me to hold you and take a drink or bite these days too. You have started pushing up and straightening your arms out completely when having tummy time, so I'm holding you as much as possible to keep you from learning to become mobile. (kidding....kinda) :)
Noteworthy: My happy boy you melt my heart in a multitude of ways but nothing compares to you falling asleep laughing. After nursing and stories I stood to rock you one evening until those eyelids fluttered and I could lay you down. As I stood there staring at you I watched a huge grin stretch across your perfect cheeks, it lingered as we locked eyes. Then you began to giggle, and I kissed your cheek overflowing with love for you, I told you how much I adored you as we continued our cheeky grins. That sweet little exchange repeated itself for several minutes and then again on several occasions after that. To say I'm oozing with love for you is quite an understatement.
Disclaimer: This is by far the worst cake I have ever made. My most sincere apologies sweet Ford, but this is what happens when your mama is inpatient with letting a cake cool.
What a joy it is for those sweet hands to reach for me with excitement and joy. You are a continued blessing to our lives sweet boy and the perfect compliment to your siblings personalities. Ford you adored.