You made my heart smile the first time I heard your heartbeat and the first time I felt your little soul move. Those smiles have only gotten bigger and more important as the pulls of life have swallowed my time, thoughts, and attention it has been quite a challenge to focus on the reality that you are coming, you are real, and you are mine. It has been such a pleasure to feel you say hello to me, a little nudge here and a big roll there you love to make your presence known. Now more than ever I just can not fathom how wonderful you will be.
You have already brought a side out in your brother that I didn't realize was there. His love for you is so strong. He checks on you first thing in the morning and loves to tell you goodnight. He has grown more and more curious about when you will arrive asking to us questions and shouting to you "come out come out wherever you are!" We often lay still as he talks to you and watches as you dance across my belly. Of course I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, I think he's one of your favorite sounds to hear.
Your sister is starting to grasp the important role she will have when you arrive. She loves to give you kisses and hugs and talk about how cute you are, but more than that she can't wait to take care of you. There are so many things she's excited to share with you from her special water bottle to her stuffed animals. She has worked kissing and hugging you into her bedtime routine and I can only imagine the joy when she gets to hug you in person. 

Your Daddy already smothers you with kisses and love but more important than that, prayers. He is is in awe of you and can't get over the fact that you will soon be here as we watch your big movements at night. You're so blessed to have this man to look up to as you grow.
You've already helped make our family feel like a more complete version of ourselves and we are so excited to meet you. Now we sit and wait for the best surprise God can give us, for no amount of science out there is able to detect what He already knows. Your brother and sister have asked repeatedly when you will be coming out and as your arrival day comes closer we wake each morning with a little excitement and anticipation in our hearts.
Somehow we've arrived at the end of our road in pregnancy. For 9 months it's been you and me working together under God's hands to grow and shape your soul's treasure box. I know you are strong, you like to listen to your family, and you love to dance from 11-1am, other than that you are a mystery. The past few weeks I've started to wonder how I can know so little about you yet love you so much? It's that amazing work our creator does when he knits a new life together. I can not picture what life will be like with you or how my heart will expand to new heights and places but it will. I can't imagine what you will look like, how your little breaths will feel against my chest, or what color your eyes will be; and though my human brain can not picture all that is unknown about you my faithful heart knows it will be good, and better than I could ever try to imagine.
I love you so RPC. See you soon!!!