We have been so very busy that blog posting has had quite the dry spell. So....this is more like a 13.5 month update for our sweet and sassy little princess.
She is growing so quickly and is such a spunky little light in our lives. She is funny, sweet, cuddly, and loving with a pinch of tough. She takes her brother's big boy play in stride and has showed us she isn't going to have any issues standing up for herself.
18lbs and 13oz. I think it's safe to say we can praise God right now!!! She loves her Neonate formula and enjoys any chance to eat!
Feeding: bananas, and sweet potato, and chickpeas Oh My! Praise Jesus Sweet girl is food trialing like a champ. At 12 months we were given the go ahead for starting solids after two months of gut rest. She has been eager to try anything we have given her and enjoys everything about food! So far we have one stellar diet! Banana, avocado, chickpeas, pear, apple, cauliflower, quinoa, potato, and sweet potato, plus cinnamon and olive oil.

Sleep: Oh what a
relief it is to sleep once more. Other
than a few night wakes to ask for help finding her paci she is golden for a
good 10 hrs! Naps have been moved back
to just one in the afternoon and can be anywhere from 20 min to 2hrs.
Awake: Walking everywhere
and often at a baby jog kinda speed this girl loves to go. She can most often be seen following her big brother around. She has really started to show us her silly side and has also learned to sit still for 6o seconds. Sometimes she will even bring us a book, crawl in our lap and listen to consecutive pages being read!!
When she's doing her own thing it usually involves dancing with her puppy or a solo performance of If your happy and you know it.
If your happy and you know it clap your hands, stomp your feet, shoot hooray!
Shout hooray is her favorite part by far.
Temperament: silly, happy,
active, eager to laugh, sweet, calm, enthusiastic,
Clothing Size: 12 months shoe
size 4
Teeth: 9.5 She secretly popped up with a molar on her bottom right side in the past two weeks and is working on her bottom left canine. She takes it like a champ with a few more requests for late night cuddles and at times a reduced appetite.
Diapers: Size 3
New Milestones: standing
up and dancing, twirling around in circles, signing more, signing please,
pointing to things she wants and signing please. Waving and saying bye bye, sleeping with arms
out in a sleep sack!!!! No more little woombie worm. Manipulating toys with ease, loves pushing
buttons and any toys that involve pushing shapes or items inside of a
Words are starting and
beginning to grow! Her first official word beyond "Dada" was "ball". There are enough of them being thrown, kicked, and bounced around here I feel like it was a pretty smart place to start. Within days of
starting to eat apple she began saying “a puuhhhl” and will now make her
requests known. She has also started
mimicking the sweetest little “than kew” I’ve ever heard!!! "Bubble" is uttered any time she sees them even in a book. She is obsessed
with her puppy and can often be found carrying it around the house making
“ruff, ruff” noises.
Her brother is
making certain that she will be great at all contact sports as his newest
obsession is “baby football”. (What!?) They love chasing each other and jumping on
our bean bag poofs for fun. She has started passing out kisses from time
to time but no one gets them more often than Henry.
Happy 13 1/2 happy months! It was our best yet and oh my goodness I hope you can handle all the love we have for you! Thanks for making our days a crazy kind of wonderful!!!