
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Two Months of Knowing Heaven on Earth- Mallie Lynn

The past month has been anything but easy.  We watched you fight your body every moment you were awake as we tried to find answers and some way to make you feel better.  We didn't leave the house unless it was for a doctors appointment or a rare walk outside.  We learned that you are so loved by so many as friends and family covered you in prayer.  Thankfully God answered us quickly.  This past week we made a trip to an allergist and then to a GI specialist at Cinncinati Children's Hospital to confirm a food protein intolerance.  We are now cutting dairy, soy, oatmeal, rice, and eggs out of our diet and hoping this is the final answer in your journey to a happy baby.  Over the past few days we have seen you sleep more and scream less.  We are hopeful that we are on the right path and will soon see the real Mallie Lynn.  It will take 3-4 weeks for your intestines to heal itself and so in the mean time we will hang in there, hold you tight when your hurting, and rejoice in the growing calm moments. 

Weight: 10lb 8oz
Height: 21.5in long
Feeding: average every 3-4 hours
Sleep: Well at night, feeding every 4-6 hours
Awake:  Large chunks of awake time during the day, usually mid morning, afternoon, and early evening. 
Loves: sound of the vacuum cleaner, being held over our shoulder with pressure on your belly,  holding your head up, nursing, being swaddled, Rockn'Play, bath time (while in the water), gas drops, sleeping, Henry's voice, squeaky floors.
Dislikes: hiccups, gassy belly, being cold.
Temperament: Colic/Fussy when awake, usually in pain.  In the last week we began seeing more calm awake time and learned how relaxed and observant you are.
Diaper Size: 1
Clothing Size: 0-3months  at the beginning of the month, ending in 3 months!
New Milestones: After a dozen doctor's appointments, tears, and prescriptions, we finally have an answer for all of your pain, Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis FPIE Smiles!!!  You have started smiling upon seeing us after waking up or when we talk to you and it is the sweetest sight!

Cheers to more smiles ahead and watching your pains fade away.  We love you darling girl. 


  1. I'm so glad you have some answers! Continued prayers for your little gal :)

  2. I have been praying for you and your sweet daughter--so glad you have an answer!

    1. Thank you so much Amanda. Hope to bring her to bible study this week!!!!
