There's really nothing that can hurt your heart like seeing your baby in pain. It breaks you in two and leaves you feeling an unimaginable amount of helpless. After 7 appointments to the doctor in two weeks you'd think we would have answers.
you have stumped not just your mommy but three pediatricians as well.
We are fairly certain you have a dairy intolerance. So as of two
Sunday's ago, Nov. 2 I began cutting ALL dairy out of my diet and was
directed to pump and freeze my milk while feeding you Nutramigen
formula, one of the few formulas without dairy protein in it. Pumping
and bottle feeding feels as close to feeding twins as I ever want to
get. Not nursing you at all was a bit emotional for both of us. (maybe
more me than you). Which was all fine and dandy because the thought of
you being better was so delightful it made it worth it. We were
gave us the slightest improvement in the amount of crying you did
during the day but it was not the answer as we continued to see crying
associated with gagging and hiccups. So on Friday Nov. 7 we were told
we could reintroduce breast milk and started you back on Zantac for
possible reflux issues, and we were hopeful. Friday night = muy
miserable. Heart breaking and tear filled by us both.
Then came Saturday.
of a sudden a new baby appeared. Out of nowhere you were alert and
happy, awake and not crying!? We naively thought we had turned a
corner. Then Sunday reared it's ugly head our way and bam.....right
back to it. This presented even more of a mystery both to us and our
pediatricians as to what might be causing your pain. This week you
began a compounded dose of Prilosec hoping you were just not responding
well to the Zantac and needing a different drug. Again, I let hope
creep in....
day this week I feel I've watched you get worse. The screams have been
here more than the crying. As for the awake and calm times.....a 10
minute stretch feels like heaven. You continue to sleep very little
during the day 2-3 hrs has been as good as it gets, and we work oh so
hard to get there. You are calmed by the sound of a vaccum, and so we
try it often leaving us with the cleanest carpet in town. :)
our doctors consulted with a GI specialist at UK. By his
recommendation we are to start an elimination diet, taking all the high
allergen foods away from your system including wheat, soy, dairy, eggs,
fish/shellfish, and nuts. We are also having appointments set up with
an allergist here in town to consult us on further reccomendations.
It's all not enough. Not a good enough answer. So for the first time
on this journey, I'm not feeling hopeful with our solutions.
I plan to take our advice one step further with the Dr. Sears Total Elimination Diet.
For the next two weeks we will eat potatoes, range fed turkey and lamb,
pears, pear juice, green/yellow squash, and rice. I consider myself a
bit of a foodie so to say this is going to be hard is an understatement,
but Puhhhhleaze nothing can be harder than watching your newborn baby
girl in this much pain.
fleeting moments with you on our one good day were so refreshing and
wonderful and I'm craving the day when we get to see that from you
again. I have spent so much time in prayer the last month I fee like I
should be wearing a habit. Through this journey we have felt lots of
love for you as people have reached out to give us advice, listen, and
offer support, but most of all prayer. Though God has not yet healed
you into the happy healthy baby I want you to be I know he is here. I
have felt broken, lost, and knocked down many times a day yet have
somehow been able to rely on him and hear him say let me be your
strength. So for those prayers that have been said I am so thankful. I
can say without question I would be 7 states of depressed right now if
he weren't carrying us through it all.
all love you so dearly sweet girl, and are anxiously awaiting the days
when we can all laugh, smile, and stare into your eyes as a family. Happy 7 weeks to you darling, may the next 7 be super bright and cheery and filled with giggles from your growing belly rolls. Get
well soon my angel.
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