
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

9 months of Knowing Heaven On Earth - RPC

 N I N E months, one of those milestones that makes a mama want to stop time.  I'll be dragging my feet for the next 3 months, hoping to slow down your last days of being a baby; immobile, nonverbal, and still entirely dependent upon us.  
You officially have 8 teeth and really enjoy chewing on toys, especially your silver baby rattle.  Something about that cold metal on your teeth makes you happy and it is awful cute to watch.  

9 Months brought us: 
16.13lb & 28 Inches tall

Loves- playing with a ball, having it rolled to you, and boy are you great at catching grounders!  Playing catch is a game you make out of any toy, (aka throw the toy down and watch someone else pick it up) and your thoroughly entertained every time.  Chasing your brother and sister makes you squeal in our arms with delight.  Chewing on your toys and fingers is a favorite of late as you work on cutting the rest of your teeth. You have enjoyed being at the pool and chilling in the water.   
Sleep: eczema and teething, nuff said.  Usually your asleep around 7:30-8:00 and then wake back up around 10:30, 2ish, 5ish, 7ish.  Some nights it's more and sometimes it's less but I just keep telling myself some day you'll be sleeping till noon, driving a car, and growing chest hair so I'll keep looking on the sunny sleepless side.
Feeding: You still love to nurse every 3hrs around the clock.  After meeting with a food therapist we learned that your gagging and tongue thrust are a choice.  Nothing is physically stopping you from eating, you are interested in food but just not interested in actually putting it in your mouth and chewing it up.  We were instructed to use small pieces of food and push it into the back corner of your mouth to get you to chew, which as it turns out you know how to do.  So we have tried a few foods that way but we still aren't getting very far before you are unhappy.  So We shall try, try, and try again with a new food every couple of days.  To date you have tried banana, potato, sweet potato, and watermelon. 
Awake: Your play time is different now that you sit up independently.  You love to chew on and feel different toys we stack up around you and have learned to throw toys for us to get as well.  We graduated you to the highchair for our meal time practice and that makes ya feel big.  
You love to babble dadadada, and blow bubbles with your tongue, bob, and squeal, we have heard an occasional mmmmmaaamaa but they are few and far between.  You still love to laugh randomly at things and no one can get your giggle box going like your brother and sister.

Dislikes: eating food, sleep, being rocked, being tired and honestly not much else.  You're a pretty content little dude.
Size: Physically your face is starting to change and it makes this mama kinda sad.  I know you're still a baby but I'm getting glimpses of what your little boy self will look like.  You weigh 16.13lbs and are getting noticeably heavier to hold all the time.  :)
Milestones: Teething with tooth number 8 popping all the way through, Catching a ball that is rolled to you, sitting in the high chair, visible toothy grin, swinging outdoors, beginning to learn how to drink from a sippy, learning to chew food. 
Eczema update- Flare ups are still being managed with BeautyCounter lotions and we still have to apply 3-4 times a day.  We have stopped the 30min daily bath soaks and Zyrtec but still give Benadryl at night.  It doesn't make you drowsy but it helps to keep your little hands from scratching your body all night.  We had another allergy appt where we were told to up the Zyrtec and you are just having outdoor allergies.  While you may have outdoor allergies this mama ain't buying that it's the only cause, I'm convinced it is related to your gut and food.  Though you barely ingested a Tbsp of any food yet, that tiny amount of watermelon had your skin looking as if you'd been burned within an hour.  I'm hoping to find relief and answers for you soon.  

My sweet smiley boy, I love your cuddly need to be held personality.  As you grow stronger and more squirmy, and watch your brother and sister run I can see your desire to run with them.  I'm savoring the fact that I rarely have two hands to get anything done.    

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