
Saturday, January 6, 2018

THREE Months of knowing heaven on earth -RPC

Oh Ford, you are just getting better and better!!! 

Loves- Family, nursing, being swaddled, looking at your play gym, pat-a-cake, being held facing out to see the world, playing walk/run with daddy and Henry, chewing on your hands.  Since the discovery of your sweet little hands you can often be found staring at them or holding them together on your chest.  You also love to clasp them together to suck and chew on them. You have found a love of reading and can go from fussy to calm if we break out a book to look at.  

Sleep:  This month we have started to see a little more of a routine beginning to happen.  Naps are still not scheduled at all and you prefer to be held over anything but have taken a few longer naps in your crib and rock n play.  At night you usually like to party unless we hold you, till around 11:00 when you finally give up and can be fed and put to bed.  You've been waking 1-2 times a night to eat with a few amazing nights of waking once and sleeping till around 8:00!!!!  By accident you started sleeping in your crib at night about a week ago.  We had laid you down awake to put your siblings to bed and you fell asleep on your own!!! (WhAT!?)  Since then we have put you to sleep and laid you down at your 11-11:30 time  and you usually have a least a four hour stretch before waking.  

Feeding: Feeding is something you love to do and often.  You tend to be a happy boy if your belly is full and since changing my diet you have had a much happier belly and consistent diapers.  

Awake: You have a lot of awake time these days and are generally a happy smiling guy.  You like to spend your wake time being talked to, playing with toys, or being held.  

Dislikes: being cold, having gas, coughing, your car seat unless we are in motion, being held on your back.  

Size: You are filling out more and more and becoming a heavier little stud every day.  We are all loving your fuller cheeks and think they make you look a lot like your brother as a baby.  

Milestones:  Laughing!  You have found your laugh and it's one of the cutest things I've ever heard.  You have started flashing that smile more and more too and are eager to give one when being talked to.  Sleeping in crib at night, sticking out your tongue, grabbing toys on your play gym, liking toys, Holding your hands together and chewing on your fists.  

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