
Friday, December 7, 2012

For We Need a Little Christmas-Foto Reel 34

Week 34 we found magic.
The delicate procedure of carefully, thoughtfully and artfully placing each ornament on the tree became more magical this year.  Turning on the tree was a moment I will never forget.  Like watching the grooms face as his bride walks down the aisle, I kept my gaze on Henry as the tree was lit.  
 dripped down from his big grey eyes. 
It was one of the sweetest moments to witness.  

I am filled with excitement thinking about my love for Christmas now being multiplied as we sit back and see it again for the very first time, in the eyes of our son.  

 We decorated a lil' Henry sized tree I bought for his room when he was in my womb last Christmas.
Opening the box of decorations and unwrapping each surprise is a moment I love.  This year I discovered a treasure that has never been used before.  3 years ago we were shopping for a new tree when I spotted these stocking hangers that matched Barry, Keightley and I's, and at though I didn't know when, somewhere deep down inside I knew I wanted a couple little angels in our future.  
Now out of the box it comes.  Talk about making you smile.  

A few other sweet shots from our week.

 He is ALL over the place.
 I could pretty much eat him. Yep.  Gobble gobble him up.
Preferably with a spoon but I could use my fingers too.
 This is what a mom and baby who sleep past 8 look like.  I hope I see them again sometime.  :)
 I found Peace On Earth....and good will towards blankets.

1 comment:

  1. I love Christmas through the eyes of children! It truly is amazing!!
