(Proverbs 3: 5-6) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
One, Two, Three Little bundles to love.
One, Two, Three lives surely gifts from above.
Henry wants a sister, and Mallie Lynn wants a brother, or as she told us, she "wants a Henwy". They are both more excited than I expected they'd be and I can't wait to see them in their new roles of our family.Mallie Lynn is a caregiver by nature, feeding others by hand, bringing your belongings she finds to their rightful place, and cleaning up messes. She is going to be one heck of a big sister and Oh the way she loves! Well, this baby is in for such a treat!
Henry began asking about the baby the day after we told them the news. Dropping his precious basketball for a quick timeout to kiss my belly and say hi to the baby. Instances of him coming to snuggle me in bed and hug the baby have become frequent and he loves to ask how big it is. (Right now Tres Bebe is a sweet little peach!
We delight in the thought of this growing little life. Our rainbow baby who is already being used to teach us God's perfect timing. We didn't know where our journey would go for our family when we experienced a miscarriage last June, but God did. As we journeyed through the lessons of trusting in His provision and plan I came to a place where I completely released all control; and that's when it happened. When February 9th came, a day I had looked at as a point of dread, I found myself instead being completely blown away by what could only be God's work, a positive pregnancy test.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
We have continued to walk in His strength as anyone who has experienced a pregnancy after miscarriage does. We treaded waters lightly, took extra precautions and kept our secret for a bit longer than we might have otherwise. We are over the moon excited to wrap our arms around this baby, sometime before October 18th. For this child we have prayed and our hearts are already filled with love for this soul.